Depot Basel Design Space

Switzerland, 28-09-2011

Basel is synonymous with contemporary art, but it has been lagging on the contemporary design front. This is set to change: Laura Pregger and Matylda Krzykowski co-founded Depot Basel to provide space dedicated to contemporary design.

It is hosted in a disused grain factory, provided by the Habitat Foundation, and what what better way to furnish the space than to invite designers to create pieces purpose made for the it?

Nine designers were handpicked by the founders and spent five days with the distinctive silo structure, which inspired a dialogue between space and craft. 

The narrative that developed can be seen in the objects created by each designer for the initial prelude ‘Infrastructure’. The finished pieces walk the fine line between concept and functionality and evoke a strong sense of the space they inhabit, while clearly reflecting the voice of each individual designer.

Julien Renault + Camille Blin, Lightbox Library Damien Gernay, Display Table Damien Gernay, Lounge Chair Florian Hauswirth, Rammed Clay Bench Kaspar Hamacher, 3 L Shelf Mieke Meijer, Service Desk Mieke Meijer, Triangle Display Max Lipsey, Tree Bark Benches Max Lipsey, Concentration Chair Tristan Cochrane, Podium Desks. Images via Yatzer.