Detox Kitchen Restaurant Review

London, 29-02-2016

We recently visited Detox Kitchen and what better way can you start your morning by being greeted with a nature loving plant feature wall – boldly communicating the sign ‘love’ to symbolise a feel-good spirit to the space.

You cannot help but feel apart of the feature wall as this also draws you to the open bar kitchen displaying a selection of tasteful foods.

The food is displayed on the counter as an opportunity to give you enough time to decide on what you would like to try… It’s also great to get a sneak peak of the dishes before it is delivered on your plate!

As part of being a well known / popular brand, the displays and storage play a key role within the design scheme and were picked up upon the most within the space. ‘The Detox Kitchen Bible’ is spread across the windowsills and internally on the shelf units. Breakfast, lunch and dinner pots were neatly placed into either baskets or a takeaway station making sure it is clearly seen and keeping the deli as orderly uncluttered as possible.

The décor of the deli is kept minimal to ease a sense of simplicity to the room. This connects back to their concept, setting a clear space to empower a clear mind.

The upholstered banquette punches brightness through the space with a bold shade of turquoise/teal to insinuate The Detox Kitchen brand. The seating area is very comforting.

As we sat down to enjoy my breakfast, the table is fully set with a bottle of lemon infused water and a vase of colorful flowers. Subtly making you feel positive and welcome to dine in this space.

The staff were very relaxed, patient and offered great opinions for our choice of dishes. There is a great selection, it’s hard to pin point the right mix to satisfy that taste bud!

As part of their desire to set a good principle of balanced healthy eating, they recommended we try a breakfast box, packed lunch + dinner.

This ultimately promoted their package deal online offering a daily nutritional guide – whether it is leaving you feeling completely cleansed or all round energised.

To our delight, we were amazed with how much flavor these boxes were filled with – from the pesto chicken and raw vegetables to the sundried tomato and artichoke brown rice salad… we were most certainly satisfied with our meals.

They have really structured the design of the deli to endure you feel as if you have been immersed into a healthy-living experience.

You have the advantage of going to a class and then move to a place to socialise with friends over a delectable breakfast/lunch.

It’s also a great way of learning how you can improve your lifestyle or understanding why eating and exercise is beneficial.