DIG by Snarkitecture Exhibition

London, 30-06-2011

Dig is an exhibition and performance at Storefront for Art and Architecture by Daniel Arsham/Snarkitecture that explores the architecture of excavation. Storefront’s distinctive gallery space will be filled with a solid volume of EPS architectural foam, engulfing the existing interior in an unyielding flood of white.

The volume will then be excavated using simple tools – hammers, picks and chisels – to transform a stock industrial material into a strange, unexpected cavern for both work and play. An exhibition will document an ongoing dialogue between ideas of notational precision and fabricated looseness. This negotiation of design logic with sculptural intuition sets the stage for the interaction between the artist and viewer. 

Daniel Arsham/Snarkitecture will both create and inhabit Digfor the duration of the subsequent month-long installation, carving spaces from solid infill in a performance open to public view.

The façade of Storefront will act as a human ant farm, framing the work occurring within for outside passerby.

Inside the remaining gallery space, a cave-like entrance will open into the solid form, inviting viewers to watch the excavation of an unreal space in real time.

Dig is an experiment between the precision of the architectural plan and the looseness of the unknown.

The installation and performance explore an intersection of primitivism and contemporary architecture; the complexity of the final surfaces and form suggests a digital origin and conceals the simplicity of a space made entirely by hand.

The solid volume is excavated and inhabited by basic necessity, but also engages in careful play with the existing architecture of Storefront. Dig uncovers the inconceivable within the conceivable.

At the close of the installation, the material was returned to the manufacturer and recycled into rigid foam insulation.

Dig is made possible by OHWOW and Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin. Images Via Mydesignstories.