Josiah McElheny Installation

Whitechapel Gallery, London, 10-10-2011

New York based sculptor and writer Josiah McElheny created a large-scale installation for the Whitechapel Gallery. Seven large, mirrored sculptures are dotted around the space. Abstract films are projected onto the screens and mirrors of these minimal sculptures to great visual and spatial effect.

The exhibition forms part of The Bloomberg Commission that invites international artists to create annual site-specific artwork inspired by the rich history of gallery 2, the former reading room of the Whitechapel Library, a creative haven for early modernist thinkers like Isaac Rosenberg and Mark Gertler.

McElheny’s installation explores how abstraction is used to depict an image of visual enlightenment. The reflections and refractions created by the installation saturates the gallery in images and light, distorted and multiplied. The installation will be tranformed constantly by alternating the visuals projected onto the sculptures. Images via Whitechapel Gallery.